Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Luke Bear!
As promised, here are some pictures of Luke. The little boy is getting more and more photogenic--he is getting over the baby tendency to have the deer-in-the-headlight eyes everytime the flash goes off. His little smiles are getting bigger and bigger, and he is talking so much. It has been very exciting this time around, with Cade I wasn't sure how much of his baby things were Cade and how much were general baby things. Now I can see that Cade was a very serious baby. Luke is all giggles, laughing, and cooing, all the time. He talks and talks without stopping, and he is still the easiest baby. I swear, he talks to the wall half the day. This was our little photo shoot this morning on the swing:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A whole lotta catchin up
There is going to be so much going on in this post it is a little ridiculous, so sorry in advance. We have been not really doing a whole lot, but even something as mundane as going to the store becomes quite the story when you factor in two boys. (long story short, Cade rolled around on the ground screaming in Nordstroms. That is why I have become a recluse and don't leave the house.)
There would be a lot more pictures to add some flava and all-around cuteness to this post, but my stupid camera has frustrated me to kingdom come. As this picture proves, by the time it gets around to actually taking a picture, one or more child has disappeared. Yes, Cade was actually sitting next to his brother when I started the picture-taking process (ie-push the button). And yes, that is Luke sittin tight in his 6-12 month size clothes. And yes, his pants are unbuttoned. All this on a liquid diet.

The most significant thing lately has been Cade's new found desire to speak. For the first time he is trying to repeat words back to me and using them, and I think he might even be trying basic sentence construction. It is either that or he fires an arsenal of words at me trying to see what gets me to respond the quickest. Yesterday we had "Eat More BuBus" (Cade for Blueberry). At any rate, I had been convinced that we were raising the missing link in the evolution theory with all of the grunts and groans that were functioning as a form of communication. The talking is a welcome change, although I am sure I will rue the day that he learned the word NO--it is already appearing way too frequently in conversation.

Also, the big man keeps getting bigger. He has been sleeping in a big boy bed for a few weeks now, and thanks to my good friend Jo, the Supernanny, the transition was actually really easy. Since Cade vacated his crib, Luke got moved up from the bassinet in the hallway (yes, I know, at least it's not the sock drawer) to the crib, and now they share a room. That transisiton--not so easy. It is 8:00 in the morning right now and I have already been up for 5 hours. Luke woke up, so then Cade woke up so then Luke stayed awake and so Chad and I were wide awake and asking each other if they make Tylenol PM in infant strength. We are pretty sold on letting the babies cry it out, but with the new digs (the shared wall in the duplex) I don't think it is too considerate to let the boys scream at 3am. I had actually been really concerned about what must sound like a torture chamber over here until the other night when they woke us up with an incredibly loud screaming match which included a lot of obscenities. I think that we are at the point of some unspoken agreement: if they don't call Child Protective Services on my screaming babies, I won't call the police on their drunk and disorderly.
Another new trick for the big boy, walking down the stairs like a full-fledged little man. Nevermind the diaper.
The boys and I just got back from Portland, we went to visit my parents since Chad was working every day. We had a great time playing with the dog and the aunt and the gramma and grandpa, and Cade rediscovered his car--he has a ride-on car at my parents house. He woke up in the morning asking for the car, and oh, imagine the fun when he found some of my dad's car magazines. He went through every page pointing out the cars. And there are only about 15 cars per page. We got home yesterday and Chad has been working non-stop. Poor guy. He has tomorrow off though and we have a great day planned of grocery shopping (it is a rare and desperate day when I attempt that alone) and napping. We might get out to take the boys to see Santa, but that would be record breaking stuff.
Also, Chad finished up his first term as a full time student, and the kid pulled off a strong set of straight A's--like 95% straight A's. Cade and I were so proud that we baked him a cake. I wanted to teach my son the joys of baking, so I was showing him how to daintily use his finger to "clean" the bowl. Well I turned around for a few seconds and got this. He was so into it that by the time I went and got my camera, and then during all the time it took to take the stupid picture, he was still licking away. I think I convinced him that baking aint no sissy hobby.
Well, after this post I am realizing that I don't take nearly enough pictures of Luke, which is strange because he can't run out of the frame by the time the picture clicks. Next post will be dedicated to Luke and all of his adorable chubbiness. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and I am worried that the doctor won't let me start to feed him solids. I have been so looking forward to rice cereal and the sleep that may accompany it...
There would be a lot more pictures to add some flava and all-around cuteness to this post, but my stupid camera has frustrated me to kingdom come. As this picture proves, by the time it gets around to actually taking a picture, one or more child has disappeared. Yes, Cade was actually sitting next to his brother when I started the picture-taking process (ie-push the button). And yes, that is Luke sittin tight in his 6-12 month size clothes. And yes, his pants are unbuttoned. All this on a liquid diet.
The most significant thing lately has been Cade's new found desire to speak. For the first time he is trying to repeat words back to me and using them, and I think he might even be trying basic sentence construction. It is either that or he fires an arsenal of words at me trying to see what gets me to respond the quickest. Yesterday we had "Eat More BuBus" (Cade for Blueberry). At any rate, I had been convinced that we were raising the missing link in the evolution theory with all of the grunts and groans that were functioning as a form of communication. The talking is a welcome change, although I am sure I will rue the day that he learned the word NO--it is already appearing way too frequently in conversation.
Also, the big man keeps getting bigger. He has been sleeping in a big boy bed for a few weeks now, and thanks to my good friend Jo, the Supernanny, the transition was actually really easy. Since Cade vacated his crib, Luke got moved up from the bassinet in the hallway (yes, I know, at least it's not the sock drawer) to the crib, and now they share a room. That transisiton--not so easy. It is 8:00 in the morning right now and I have already been up for 5 hours. Luke woke up, so then Cade woke up so then Luke stayed awake and so Chad and I were wide awake and asking each other if they make Tylenol PM in infant strength. We are pretty sold on letting the babies cry it out, but with the new digs (the shared wall in the duplex) I don't think it is too considerate to let the boys scream at 3am. I had actually been really concerned about what must sound like a torture chamber over here until the other night when they woke us up with an incredibly loud screaming match which included a lot of obscenities. I think that we are at the point of some unspoken agreement: if they don't call Child Protective Services on my screaming babies, I won't call the police on their drunk and disorderly.
Another new trick for the big boy, walking down the stairs like a full-fledged little man. Nevermind the diaper.
The boys and I just got back from Portland, we went to visit my parents since Chad was working every day. We had a great time playing with the dog and the aunt and the gramma and grandpa, and Cade rediscovered his car--he has a ride-on car at my parents house. He woke up in the morning asking for the car, and oh, imagine the fun when he found some of my dad's car magazines. He went through every page pointing out the cars. And there are only about 15 cars per page. We got home yesterday and Chad has been working non-stop. Poor guy. He has tomorrow off though and we have a great day planned of grocery shopping (it is a rare and desperate day when I attempt that alone) and napping. We might get out to take the boys to see Santa, but that would be record breaking stuff.
Also, Chad finished up his first term as a full time student, and the kid pulled off a strong set of straight A's--like 95% straight A's. Cade and I were so proud that we baked him a cake. I wanted to teach my son the joys of baking, so I was showing him how to daintily use his finger to "clean" the bowl. Well I turned around for a few seconds and got this. He was so into it that by the time I went and got my camera, and then during all the time it took to take the stupid picture, he was still licking away. I think I convinced him that baking aint no sissy hobby.
Well, after this post I am realizing that I don't take nearly enough pictures of Luke, which is strange because he can't run out of the frame by the time the picture clicks. Next post will be dedicated to Luke and all of his adorable chubbiness. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and I am worried that the doctor won't let me start to feed him solids. I have been so looking forward to rice cereal and the sleep that may accompany it...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In case you didn't read that right, that should be Traaadishons, like Tevye would say. This was the third year that we have hosted the Thanksgiving feast at our place, and while the new digs were not quite as spacious as the old place I think we pulled it off. The food quality sure didn't suffer any! I am now trying to come up with ways to use our leftovers--so far I have got most of it figured out-Gnocchi out of the mashed potatoes, Turkey pot pie with the leftover turkey dark meat that I don't like for sandwiches-except the stuffing. What are you supposed to do with that, besides just eat it?
After the feast was over we went out into the woods to find the perfect Christmas tree. Last year we did this with Shawn and Jodie, and I carried Cade all snuggled up in a bear suit in the front pack. Well, this year Luke (monster man that he is) wore the same suit and I carried him in the front pack. I couldn't believe that just a year ago the big man Cade was little enough to fit in the pack! This year, he ran around the forest like a wild animal--he even grunted like one! We enjoyed hot cocoa and french dip sandwiches out there, and the guys even started a fire. If there only would have been snow for sledding! Maybe next year...
The Grogans and the Stonebergs
Friday, November 21, 2008
So our pictures are hot off the presses and ready for viewing at http://www.fusionphotography.com/slideshows/luke/
Let me know what you think...I cried through the whole slideshow, but I am the mom so I hope that is normal.
Try telling me now that you know some cuter babies. I doubt you have a leg to stand on... :)
Let me know what you think...I cried through the whole slideshow, but I am the mom so I hope that is normal.
Try telling me now that you know some cuter babies. I doubt you have a leg to stand on... :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
So I wrote this whole post last week and when I went to publish the post the computer did something retarded and lost the whole thing. Not an operator error, I assure you. I was so frustrated I gave up, plus one of the bambinos was probably screaming. Anyways, here is round two of the halloween picture post.
We had planned on Cade dressing up as a cowboy, since he has an abundance of those clothes, and Luke would be a bear, since he has a little bear suit (not sure why...?) but Grandma showed up with these adorable and HAND MADE lion outfits. Needless to say, my boys were the talk of the hood 'cause they stole the show. We went out with our friends the Ewarts, and their little boy Trenton dressed up as a monkey. The jungle was well represented!

At each house that we went to, Cade tried to give the candy back to the person handing it out. The kid clearly did not understand, which I guess is still a good thing.

Once Cade and Trenton figured out that they got to pick, and that they were cute enough to literally take as many candies as they wanted, they loved it and really got into it. Cade looks a little territorial though...right?

Me and my boys

And Trenton, the cute monkey!
We had planned on Cade dressing up as a cowboy, since he has an abundance of those clothes, and Luke would be a bear, since he has a little bear suit (not sure why...?) but Grandma showed up with these adorable and HAND MADE lion outfits. Needless to say, my boys were the talk of the hood 'cause they stole the show. We went out with our friends the Ewarts, and their little boy Trenton dressed up as a monkey. The jungle was well represented!
At each house that we went to, Cade tried to give the candy back to the person handing it out. The kid clearly did not understand, which I guess is still a good thing.
Once Cade and Trenton figured out that they got to pick, and that they were cute enough to literally take as many candies as they wanted, they loved it and really got into it. Cade looks a little territorial though...right?
Me and my boys
And Trenton, the cute monkey!
Monday, November 10, 2008
and it begins, the overprotective BIG brother
Luke has been a little bit stuffy lately, just breathing pretty loudly through his nose and in general sounding like a warthog. It is especially bad in the morning, after sleeping ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT (yes, you read that right, my boys are amazing) he really has some trouble breathing. So the other morning I got out one of my favorite baby tools, the nasal aspirator--or plunger as we refer to it. I go to stick it up his nose and get a good pull going, which of course starts Luke on the crying. I imagine this doesn't really feel too good, I used to have to sit on top of Cade with his hands pinned under my knees so that I could really wrestle the snot out of him. I must have traumatized him thoroughly, because when he realized what I was doing to his little brother he started slapping my hand. Then grabbing my arm to get me away from Luke's nose. It was so cute I gave up on the snot, and we both cuddled up with Luke to get him to calm down.
Still no pictures, maybe by Christmas I can get Halloween pictures up...
Still no pictures, maybe by Christmas I can get Halloween pictures up...
Friday, November 7, 2008
FINALLY...somewhat settled
So we just got internet again...like not even 30 minutes ago, and here I am blogging. That says something. I am on here even before getting caught up on Dancing with the Stars :0). Anyways, we have had a very full couple of weeks, moving and Halloween and getting to know the new hood has given us the opportunity for many great photo ops. The only thing is that right now, I have no idea where the camera is. Once I find it I will update again with pictures. The big thing of note is that the sale of our house was supposed to have closed yesterday and it didn't, the buyers backed out. So we moved out of our house and now it is just sitting empty, waiting for some new people to fall in love with it. So it probably goes without saying, but please be praying that that thing gets snatched up quickly...it will take a miracle in this market!! Thanks!
Monday, October 27, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like...
Not totally, but we are well on our way. Especially here, with temperatures well below freezing, and we have already had our first dusting of snow. I know it is not even Halloween yet, and yes, I do maintain that Christmas decorations are NOT allowed until after Thanksgiving, but we are packing and I just couldn't help getting excited when we found the decoations. Someone else got really excited too...
Cade kept getting really upset when the lights would turn off, and wanted to carry them around the house with him.
And just cause this is hilarious, he has been sticking his tongue out like a lizzard
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
How big a boy are you?
Luke had his two month check up yesterday, and apparently we aint raisin no slouch. The kid is in the 97th percentile for BOTH height and weight, coming in at 14 pounds even and 25 inches long. We'll see if he continues on the high curve or if he evens out a little.
In other news, we are trying to pack and get moved, but it is kinda hard with babies and school and job. Basically, we have yet to bring a single box over to the new place. We'll get there eventually. Or definately by the end of the month.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The AWESOME hunting pictures
So this weekend we are having a moving/garage sale, which is exciting and crazy all at once. My friend Shawna came over last night to help set up and organize the junk--I mean awesome stuff--that we are getting rid of. I have been posting ads on Craigslist and hoping for a huge response.
While that has been consuming my time, Chad has evidently still been thinking about hunting and elk and deer and blood in general. He asked why I hadn't posted hunting pictures yet (he said yet, as in he thought that I just forgot or hadn't got around to it...) Anyways, here they are, hope you enjoy!

Spence (Chad's Dad) with the bull (man elk)

All of the boys with the animal head

Chad and Spence with Spence's deer

Shawn and Chad with Spence's deer
While that has been consuming my time, Chad has evidently still been thinking about hunting and elk and deer and blood in general. He asked why I hadn't posted hunting pictures yet (he said yet, as in he thought that I just forgot or hadn't got around to it...) Anyways, here they are, hope you enjoy!
Spence (Chad's Dad) with the bull (man elk)
All of the boys with the animal head
Chad and Spence with Spence's deer
Shawn and Chad with Spence's deer
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our Modeling Careers
Actually, it's just Cade's. At this point.
Tomorrow afternoon we are getting family pictures taken again. We sure are making up for lost time in this department...it has been years since either one of our families have had family pictures, and I guess we are determined to buck the trend, or at least start out strong before we taper off. Chad and I had family pictures about a year ago, we gave pictures of the boy wonder for Christmas presents last year and a family photo was supposed to have been included in last year's Christmas letter that never got sent. Or written. Then, we got family pictures about 6 months ago with my parents, and now we are getting some with Luke. We got a newborn package gifted to us by some generous philanthropists, so we will go again in six months and then again in a year to see how the boys grow.
Anyways, all that to say that when I was making the appointment with the photographer I spent some time checking out their new website. And what to my wondering eyes should appear but the cutest little guy in the world! I have always known that Cade (and now Luke too) is the cutest boy around, and for me this just confirms that fact. I know people say that all moms think their kids are the cutest, but I ask you, are their kids featured on a website somewhere? Granted, there are a lot of other cuties on there...but let me have my moment.
I always imagined that we would at least get paid for Cade's good looks--and once Baby Gap discovers him in their new little photo contest I am sure this will be a moot point--but we are starting somewhere!
Go to http://www.fusionphotography.com/ click on the website link, then wait to find out who is kissable. He is like the 8th or 10th picture, so it takes a bit, but well worth the wait :). You can also find him in their portfolio under 'families'. And I will post pictures of the Luke man as soon as she can get them back to us.
Tomorrow afternoon we are getting family pictures taken again. We sure are making up for lost time in this department...it has been years since either one of our families have had family pictures, and I guess we are determined to buck the trend, or at least start out strong before we taper off. Chad and I had family pictures about a year ago, we gave pictures of the boy wonder for Christmas presents last year and a family photo was supposed to have been included in last year's Christmas letter that never got sent. Or written. Then, we got family pictures about 6 months ago with my parents, and now we are getting some with Luke. We got a newborn package gifted to us by some generous philanthropists, so we will go again in six months and then again in a year to see how the boys grow.
Anyways, all that to say that when I was making the appointment with the photographer I spent some time checking out their new website. And what to my wondering eyes should appear but the cutest little guy in the world! I have always known that Cade (and now Luke too) is the cutest boy around, and for me this just confirms that fact. I know people say that all moms think their kids are the cutest, but I ask you, are their kids featured on a website somewhere? Granted, there are a lot of other cuties on there...but let me have my moment.
I always imagined that we would at least get paid for Cade's good looks--and once Baby Gap discovers him in their new little photo contest I am sure this will be a moot point--but we are starting somewhere!
Go to http://www.fusionphotography.com/ click on the website link, then wait to find out who is kissable. He is like the 8th or 10th picture, so it takes a bit, but well worth the wait :). You can also find him in their portfolio under 'families'. And I will post pictures of the Luke man as soon as she can get them back to us.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Trifecta!
So today I managed (with superhuman ability) to pull off something amazing. I took a nap, a shower, and a walk all in the same day.
If you don't think this is blog-worthy, then you try it.
Granted, I didn't get to put on makeup--if I made it that far I would have had to title this something far more noteworthy, like something that would rival Michael Phelp's gold medal count.
My friend came over to help me go through things for our moving/garage sale and we came across a photo album from the good ol Miss Oregon pageant. She is lookng at pictures of me and exclaimed that I looked so grown up in these photos. Nevermind that they were taken roughly 10 YEARS ago, but I guess I shouldn't complain that I look younger now than I did at 17. Maybe.
My favorite story about those pictures though is from college. My roomie pulled up some photos that were posted online and this guy that was over says "if you COULD look like this everyday, why don't you?"
Remembering that feels especially good on days like today when I got out of the shower and put my PJs BACK ON. At least I went on a walk. And tried to do something about the bags under my eyes.
If you don't think this is blog-worthy, then you try it.
Granted, I didn't get to put on makeup--if I made it that far I would have had to title this something far more noteworthy, like something that would rival Michael Phelp's gold medal count.
My friend came over to help me go through things for our moving/garage sale and we came across a photo album from the good ol Miss Oregon pageant. She is lookng at pictures of me and exclaimed that I looked so grown up in these photos. Nevermind that they were taken roughly 10 YEARS ago, but I guess I shouldn't complain that I look younger now than I did at 17. Maybe.
My favorite story about those pictures though is from college. My roomie pulled up some photos that were posted online and this guy that was over says "if you COULD look like this everyday, why don't you?"
Remembering that feels especially good on days like today when I got out of the shower and put my PJs BACK ON. At least I went on a walk. And tried to do something about the bags under my eyes.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Aint it Grand?
So it has been a while and I have been really busy with this life of ours. I think my biggest fantasy for my life is cruise control. Seriously. I think that if only we could live in the same house for 30 years, have the same job for 30 years, and have "Taco Tuesday" we would be set.
We have been looking for a new place to live, since with any luck our house will close at the end of the month, and I have been reflecting on the last five years...they have been a little bit of a whirlwind. The next few years too don't look particularly promising on the 'feeling settled' front either, but hopefully they will at least go quickly.
Chad is in his third week of class, and I have a countdown going on the wall of how many weeks until he is done. He officially quit his job a few weeks ago to become a full time student and then he got a job as a part time ambulance driver. So, he has been really busy too, (although I would like to think that I am busier :)) The boys and I are adjusting to his crazy schedule, but I will be SOOO glad once he is able to be around a little more again. It is the simple things that really make me miss his help.
So I go into a property management place this week to turn in a rental application and Cade is running around the office, I am embarrassed that he won't listen to me and trying to chase him while weilding Luke in his carseat carrier--which by the way weighs at least 45 lbs, the kid is huge--and the lady asks if I have any pets, besides these two. Ha ha. At any rate, I renewed my vow to not go to public places alone, and then un-did it again when I realized I needed to go to the grocery store. I feel like I have become the lady that everyone feels sorry for, or at least the one that everyone rolls their eyes at and wonders "why does she have kids if she can't control them". Honestly though, it is a little hectic taking the boys anywhere.
We had to go to the doctors office last week for an emergency visit because I was just certain that Cade had a hernia in his little man parts. I was changing his diaper, and I have done this around a thousand times by now, and things looked a little irregular, so the doctor told me to come on in to make sure that everything was ok. I tried like crazy to call Chad, he is usually the more medically-minded one and I figured he had a little more expertise on the particular subject, but he was stuck at class so he couldn't help out. I drug the two kids accross town in the middle of nap time, sat in the office for an hour while Luke cried and Cade rolled on the floor (disgusting, but it kept him quiet) all to get one AWESOME anatomy lesson. The doctor finally comes in, asks me what I was looking at, and once I show him what I have seen he nods understandingly. It turns out that Cade has something called a testicle down there, nothing else. I felt like such a dweeb, but I like to think that I gave the doctor and his nurses something to chuckle about.
At any rate, this whole going it alone business is not for the faint of heart, it sure helps to have a man around!
We have been looking for a new place to live, since with any luck our house will close at the end of the month, and I have been reflecting on the last five years...they have been a little bit of a whirlwind. The next few years too don't look particularly promising on the 'feeling settled' front either, but hopefully they will at least go quickly.
Chad is in his third week of class, and I have a countdown going on the wall of how many weeks until he is done. He officially quit his job a few weeks ago to become a full time student and then he got a job as a part time ambulance driver. So, he has been really busy too, (although I would like to think that I am busier :)) The boys and I are adjusting to his crazy schedule, but I will be SOOO glad once he is able to be around a little more again. It is the simple things that really make me miss his help.
So I go into a property management place this week to turn in a rental application and Cade is running around the office, I am embarrassed that he won't listen to me and trying to chase him while weilding Luke in his carseat carrier--which by the way weighs at least 45 lbs, the kid is huge--and the lady asks if I have any pets, besides these two. Ha ha. At any rate, I renewed my vow to not go to public places alone, and then un-did it again when I realized I needed to go to the grocery store. I feel like I have become the lady that everyone feels sorry for, or at least the one that everyone rolls their eyes at and wonders "why does she have kids if she can't control them". Honestly though, it is a little hectic taking the boys anywhere.
We had to go to the doctors office last week for an emergency visit because I was just certain that Cade had a hernia in his little man parts. I was changing his diaper, and I have done this around a thousand times by now, and things looked a little irregular, so the doctor told me to come on in to make sure that everything was ok. I tried like crazy to call Chad, he is usually the more medically-minded one and I figured he had a little more expertise on the particular subject, but he was stuck at class so he couldn't help out. I drug the two kids accross town in the middle of nap time, sat in the office for an hour while Luke cried and Cade rolled on the floor (disgusting, but it kept him quiet) all to get one AWESOME anatomy lesson. The doctor finally comes in, asks me what I was looking at, and once I show him what I have seen he nods understandingly. It turns out that Cade has something called a testicle down there, nothing else. I felt like such a dweeb, but I like to think that I gave the doctor and his nurses something to chuckle about.
At any rate, this whole going it alone business is not for the faint of heart, it sure helps to have a man around!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Unthinkable!
I can't believe/understand why ABC is not putting Dancing with the Stars online this year. I am so dissapointed that I am not able to watch during the 5:00 am feeding, like I did with Cade, but I did find all of the dances on YouTube! Despite the poor video quality I have now watched the the last few dances, and I have to say Cloris Leachman is my favorite. That lady is crazy....the type of person you are glad is NOT part of the family! I just crack up the whole time she is on camera.
Anyways, now that the important stuff is out of the way, I will update on the latest and greatest at the Grogan household. Chad went hunting for a few days (like SIX) last week, and left me and the boys. His mom came up as backup, which was a HUGE help, but we all missed him a lot. At least he and his dad brought back a bull (a boy elk, for those of you like me who would have no clue what that means). They were archery hunting and I guess Spence made an incredible shot. All I know is that the head that they brought home really stunk, and scared our neighbors a little bit.
Also, in new developments, Luke has decided that he hates sleeping. This just means that none of us sleep, which has been fun for the last few days. The blissful month of just laying him anywhere to sleep is definately over, so we are spending a couple days trying to train him to use his crib. This means a lot of crying, and I have been really surprised how much easier it is to bear with a crying baby this time around. Maybe it is just because while he is crying I am chasing Cade around instead of just listening to the horrible noise, but whatever it is hopefully it translates to sleeping soon!
Anyways, now that the important stuff is out of the way, I will update on the latest and greatest at the Grogan household. Chad went hunting for a few days (like SIX) last week, and left me and the boys. His mom came up as backup, which was a HUGE help, but we all missed him a lot. At least he and his dad brought back a bull (a boy elk, for those of you like me who would have no clue what that means). They were archery hunting and I guess Spence made an incredible shot. All I know is that the head that they brought home really stunk, and scared our neighbors a little bit.
Also, in new developments, Luke has decided that he hates sleeping. This just means that none of us sleep, which has been fun for the last few days. The blissful month of just laying him anywhere to sleep is definately over, so we are spending a couple days trying to train him to use his crib. This means a lot of crying, and I have been really surprised how much easier it is to bear with a crying baby this time around. Maybe it is just because while he is crying I am chasing Cade around instead of just listening to the horrible noise, but whatever it is hopefully it translates to sleeping soon!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Countdown Begins!
As many of you know, I am a huge dork. That being said, I just cannot explain how excited I am for the new season of Dancing with the Stars! We don't have TV, so I have to wait until Tuesday to watch online, and I feel extra crippled because I have no idea who any of the "stars" are on this season, except for the NSync guy...which isn't saying alot. This is one of my many guilty pleasures, and it will probably dominate most of my conversation and blogging, so be warned!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cloth Diapers and all manner of hippie fun...
With two kids in diapers the reality check was coming, and it hit this week at Costco while I was buying diapers. For the two kiddos, we would be spending over $100 PER MONTH on disposables! I had done the math before, but as I was looking at my budget envelopes (yes, we are trying to be good Dave Ramsey-ites) the $100 started to look different. Like clothes, or Christmas presents, or a nice date night...
SOOOO, we took the plunge and got some cloth diapers. I did hours of online research last night, and found a ton of information, and shockingly, cloth diapers these days don't necessarily have huge safety pins! I found one company, G-Diapers, that makes a cloth/disposable combo. They have a cloth diaper and a flushable or biodegradable liner. The liners are REDICULOUSLY expensive, (but probably great) but I found a bunch of moms that were using the g diaper 'pants' with a cloth liner instead. Then I found a company that makes a liner that looks almost like a dryer sheet that sits on top of the cloth liner. This little guy is flushable, so you just lift the poopy mess right out of the diaper and flush it away. I know this is all rather confusing, liner on top of liner, but in short this means I will NOT be scrubbing out poopy diapers in the toilet.
I know, I know, the birkenstocks are next, but hopefully if our guinea pig Cade likes the diapers, we can save a whole lotta money and maybe even gain a really nice date night!
Friday, September 12, 2008
just photos...no time to write!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Screaming Babies
Today marks my second day of going it alone, since Chad went back to work yesterday. It has been really exciting trying to do this on my own, a lot of screaming and crying, from both me and the boys. :). Seriously though, we had some spills and bruises and a ton of tantrums and screaming bloody murder. If we have any repeats of yesterday's preformance I think my neighbors may call children's services. I also had a thought around the middle of the day--I think that the fact that women only have one set of arms and hands should completely disprove evolution--I mean, after a supposed millions of years of evolution, don't you think we would have grown another set just to help cope with multiple children?
Anyways, today is going much better, less screaming so far, so I actually got a chance to take some pretty good pictures.

Cade, plugging his ears

Luke sleeping, like usual, and Cade getting unusually close to the baby

Luke, 2.5 weeks, 9.2 lbs, and sleeping!

Cade, showing me for the MILLIONTH time where Luke's nose is.
Anyways, today is going much better, less screaming so far, so I actually got a chance to take some pretty good pictures.
Cade, plugging his ears
Luke sleeping, like usual, and Cade getting unusually close to the baby
Luke, 2.5 weeks, 9.2 lbs, and sleeping!
Cade, showing me for the MILLIONTH time where Luke's nose is.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day in Lakeview
Given the fact that I have been feeling really well, we ventured down to Lakeview for the big Labor Day fair and rodeo. Chad was supposed to have had a class reunion too, but evidently nobody wanted to plan that event, so a whopping 8 people showed up at the Knights of Columbus pancake feed to reunite. It was actually pretty fun to see a few of Chad's old friends and show our boys off.
Cade had himself a great ol time at Gramma and Grandpa's house. He rode on the tractor, he played with the dogs, went "hunting" with the boys, got some much needed attention and even rode all of the carnival rides by himself! He was hysterical and I had no idea that a carnival could be so much fun.
Chad was hoping that we would have some elk pictures to post, but no luck this trip.

Cade and Grandpa on the "tractor"

Cade at the Carnival, driving the big rigs. Notice he has both steering wheels...

Uncle Shawn and Luke
Cade had himself a great ol time at Gramma and Grandpa's house. He rode on the tractor, he played with the dogs, went "hunting" with the boys, got some much needed attention and even rode all of the carnival rides by himself! He was hysterical and I had no idea that a carnival could be so much fun.
Chad was hoping that we would have some elk pictures to post, but no luck this trip.
Cade and Grandpa on the "tractor"
Cade at the Carnival, driving the big rigs. Notice he has both steering wheels...
Uncle Shawn and Luke
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sleeping...at the same time!
So I feel like I have just managed to make it up Everest and back down--the boys have taken two naps at the same time today!! I joined them during the first nap, and during the second I feel like I have mostly sat around waiting for them to wake up. I tried doing something productive but that is just so...boring. So here I am, blogging.
Things are still going pretty good, no news from the doc, which I hope is good and translates to: we were wrong, your insides are not rotting. Cade is still trying to figure out why Luke isn't going away, he has been throwing little temper tantrums and we are trying to be patient with those for at least a few more weeks as he adjusts. Strangely, he is trying to punish us by not eating--he throws his food on the floor and screams bloody murder until we take him out of his high chair. Then, he begs for food from us. Not sure what to do with all of this. Any advice would be great.
The pictures are some of the last few days, all of my boys, and then one of Cade trying to fit into his old favorite again. At least Luke wasn't in there when he climbed in...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
After a long few weeks, Luke Mitchell Grogan finally arrived on Tuesday, August 19th. All in all, once it got started, labor and delivery were once again really quick and easy, and we are all making a a really good recovery. Cade is adjusting, but with a whole host of family here for him to entertain he has been taking things quite well. Next week (tomorrow!) Chad will go back to work, so we'll see how my outlook changes about this whole 'family of four' business.
I will post the pictures first, which is probaby what people will actually want to look at, and then if you are so inclined you can read the gory (or actually not so gory) details of the birth. Sorry there are so many, but until I take the time to actually figure out the trickery of the fancy slide shows I have seen, I just have to post each photo individually!

Luke, just a few minutes after he was born. He has been pretty relaxed like this since he was born, I just hope it is a personality trait and that at least one of the boys will be laid-back!

Cade and Luke on day #3. Luke looks SO much like Cade's baby pictures

These are a few of Luke after his first bath at home.

And yes, I know I look like I belong in the drug mom ward--if they have one of those--but this is the only picture of all of us after the birth, so for lack of a better option...

AND the birth story, for any who may care:
So my last post was detailing the lovely fact that last week the doctor believed that I had (or have???) kidney stones. On top of all of the glory of being 39 weeks pregnant, that episode nearly put me over the top. I wrote though that I got some relief on Saturday night which was hleping me think that I could probably carry the baby for another week, if necessary. Well, my appointment on Monday went fine, but didn't result in labor or anything, but Monday night was horrible. I wasn't sure if the kidney stones stuff was back or what, but I just felt awful. I woke Chad up and told him to call the doctor because I needed something (he had promised pain killers for the kidney stones earlier). He wanted us to head into the birthing center just to get checked out, so even though I was sure they would send us home and I would just end up feeling like a wimp, we packed the car and went.
We got to the hospital at about 7:30 am and they came back to us at about 9:30 to tell us that my blood work and labs were all looking very strange. they had a few more tests to run to be certain, but things were looking like they were going to have to induce. We really wanted to avoid pitocin and inducing in general, but once all of the labs came back they said we really didn't have much of a choice. I was starting to show signs of Preeclampsia, and on top of all of that my pulse was strangely low.
We were admitted to the hospital at about 10:00, and started on the drugs about a half hour later. The pitocin kicked in right away, and I started having regular contractions. Things went along just fine, I got an epidural at about 1:00. I just can't say enough about the kind person that invented this miracle of modern medicine, but it is just such a night and day difference. I relaxed, laughed with the nurse, read a magazine, and really just enjoyed labor. Anyways, the doc broke my water at about 1:30 and said that everything was looking fine.
about an hour later things stopped feeling fine. I literally went from reading a magazine to telling Chad to call the nurse now. He turned on the video camera--I am on film telling him to turn it off and go find a nurse-- and once the nurse came in she called the doctor and some back up nurses to help get everything ready. The next few minutes were kind of a blur...but basically four minutes and two pushes after the doctor got there Luke was born!
So I have to go back in to the doctor this next week to see what they heck is going on with me, I had an ekg in the hospital to check out my crazy low pulse, but they still want to confirm or look at the kidney stone mystery and make sure that everything corrected itself with the delivery. All in all though, things went great and we are all doing pretty well now.
I will post the pictures first, which is probaby what people will actually want to look at, and then if you are so inclined you can read the gory (or actually not so gory) details of the birth. Sorry there are so many, but until I take the time to actually figure out the trickery of the fancy slide shows I have seen, I just have to post each photo individually!
Luke, just a few minutes after he was born. He has been pretty relaxed like this since he was born, I just hope it is a personality trait and that at least one of the boys will be laid-back!
Cade and Luke on day #3. Luke looks SO much like Cade's baby pictures
These are a few of Luke after his first bath at home.
And yes, I know I look like I belong in the drug mom ward--if they have one of those--but this is the only picture of all of us after the birth, so for lack of a better option...
AND the birth story, for any who may care:
So my last post was detailing the lovely fact that last week the doctor believed that I had (or have???) kidney stones. On top of all of the glory of being 39 weeks pregnant, that episode nearly put me over the top. I wrote though that I got some relief on Saturday night which was hleping me think that I could probably carry the baby for another week, if necessary. Well, my appointment on Monday went fine, but didn't result in labor or anything, but Monday night was horrible. I wasn't sure if the kidney stones stuff was back or what, but I just felt awful. I woke Chad up and told him to call the doctor because I needed something (he had promised pain killers for the kidney stones earlier). He wanted us to head into the birthing center just to get checked out, so even though I was sure they would send us home and I would just end up feeling like a wimp, we packed the car and went.
We got to the hospital at about 7:30 am and they came back to us at about 9:30 to tell us that my blood work and labs were all looking very strange. they had a few more tests to run to be certain, but things were looking like they were going to have to induce. We really wanted to avoid pitocin and inducing in general, but once all of the labs came back they said we really didn't have much of a choice. I was starting to show signs of Preeclampsia, and on top of all of that my pulse was strangely low.
We were admitted to the hospital at about 10:00, and started on the drugs about a half hour later. The pitocin kicked in right away, and I started having regular contractions. Things went along just fine, I got an epidural at about 1:00. I just can't say enough about the kind person that invented this miracle of modern medicine, but it is just such a night and day difference. I relaxed, laughed with the nurse, read a magazine, and really just enjoyed labor. Anyways, the doc broke my water at about 1:30 and said that everything was looking fine.
about an hour later things stopped feeling fine. I literally went from reading a magazine to telling Chad to call the nurse now. He turned on the video camera--I am on film telling him to turn it off and go find a nurse-- and once the nurse came in she called the doctor and some back up nurses to help get everything ready. The next few minutes were kind of a blur...but basically four minutes and two pushes after the doctor got there Luke was born!
So I have to go back in to the doctor this next week to see what they heck is going on with me, I had an ekg in the hospital to check out my crazy low pulse, but they still want to confirm or look at the kidney stone mystery and make sure that everything corrected itself with the delivery. All in all though, things went great and we are all doing pretty well now.
Monday, August 18, 2008
and STILL no baby!
We are now officially only one day away from the due date, and little man has given us no indication that he is ready to come out. No contractions, he is still moving around like crazy, and it feels like he is growing exponentially.
We had our check up this morning to confirm that everything is ok and we also were able to confirm that the Doc thinks that I do indeed have kidney stones...which is really fun, let me tell you. I was in so much pain last week that I called the doctor. I had been unsure if I was feeling contractions since the pain was so different (read: worse) than I remembered. To put it bluntly, things got so bad that I think I went a little crazy. I was crying all the time, for no reason, and I was probably a little meaner and crankier than I could justify. I even asked Chad if we could just schedule a C-Section so that I could be done with the pregnancy. Something happend Saturday night though, either I passed the stone, or God answered our prayers, because I feel like a different person and like I can actually keep going until I go into labor.
Thats not to say that we aren't trying to be proactive though, we had the doctor strip the membranes today, and we go into tomorrow for a repeat treatment so that hopefully we can get this show on the road.
Pray for us, we need to have this baby!
We had our check up this morning to confirm that everything is ok and we also were able to confirm that the Doc thinks that I do indeed have kidney stones...which is really fun, let me tell you. I was in so much pain last week that I called the doctor. I had been unsure if I was feeling contractions since the pain was so different (read: worse) than I remembered. To put it bluntly, things got so bad that I think I went a little crazy. I was crying all the time, for no reason, and I was probably a little meaner and crankier than I could justify. I even asked Chad if we could just schedule a C-Section so that I could be done with the pregnancy. Something happend Saturday night though, either I passed the stone, or God answered our prayers, because I feel like a different person and like I can actually keep going until I go into labor.
Thats not to say that we aren't trying to be proactive though, we had the doctor strip the membranes today, and we go into tomorrow for a repeat treatment so that hopefully we can get this show on the road.
Pray for us, we need to have this baby!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Catching Up
I was really hoping that by now we would have some baby news to share, but it looks as if the little guy is going to hibernate for winter and not come out all. Actually, if I can keep it together until Monday the doctor is going to get a little aggressive with trying to lure the baby out, but that is a big IF. I have been threatening that I am just going to check myself into the hospital and insist that they do something!!
Since I don't have any baby news or any baby photos, I thought I would do some catch-up and update this with some of the summer happenings. So far, the most notable thing we have done is go camping at Diamond Lake, so here are some of those pictures.
Still the three of us....for now!

Diamond Lake, nice place to visit if you have a bug net

Cade LOVES blueberries, and literally eats himself sick. He broke into the cooler to steal a snack, but with a face like that, how can you punish him?

He spent the whole weekend either rolling around in the dirt or pushing his stroller and firetruck around. He is a really hard little worker!

Hopefully my next post will include pictures of the newest Grogan on the block, but don't hold your breath!
Since I don't have any baby news or any baby photos, I thought I would do some catch-up and update this with some of the summer happenings. So far, the most notable thing we have done is go camping at Diamond Lake, so here are some of those pictures.
Still the three of us....for now!
Diamond Lake, nice place to visit if you have a bug net
Cade LOVES blueberries, and literally eats himself sick. He broke into the cooler to steal a snack, but with a face like that, how can you punish him?
He spent the whole weekend either rolling around in the dirt or pushing his stroller and firetruck around. He is a really hard little worker!
Hopefully my next post will include pictures of the newest Grogan on the block, but don't hold your breath!
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