Friday, February 27, 2009


Where have we been? Where has the time gone? And, what do I do all day that leaves me totally exhausted? I don't really know. Any of it.

At any rate, we are still here, still just plugging away, and still trying to convince Luke that sleeping through the night, it is cool. All the cool kids are doing it. His brother does it, his dad does it, his mom, well she would love to do it. But he wants nothing of it.

We are on round two of The Banishment, which means he has to sleep in the pack n play downstairs until he can figure out how to make it through the night. Round one lasted only about 5 days: three nights of crying and two of sleeping. I thought he was ready to move back into his room, and he did really well...initially. He slept through the night in his crib for a few nights and then was back to a little squeak at about 3 am, then 12 and 3, then it was every hour on the hour after 12. So he has been banished again. And if I wasn't so tired it would break my little heart that he is downstairs crying all by himself. Instead I am sleeping. With my alarm set so that I remember to wake up and check on him. Hopefully just a few more days...

There have been other things going on, Chad is in the middle of a few application processes (processi?) with some fire agencies, and we are just waiting to hear back. We finally feel like there may be a light at the end of the tunnel, and oh, it is exciting.