Monday, September 15, 2008

Cloth Diapers and all manner of hippie fun...

With two kids in diapers the reality check was coming, and it hit this week at Costco while I was buying diapers. For the two kiddos, we would be spending over $100 PER MONTH on disposables! I had done the math before, but as I was looking at my budget envelopes (yes, we are trying to be good Dave Ramsey-ites) the $100 started to look different. Like clothes, or Christmas presents, or a nice date night...

SOOOO, we took the plunge and got some cloth diapers. I did hours of online research last night, and found a ton of information, and shockingly, cloth diapers these days don't necessarily have huge safety pins! I found one company, G-Diapers, that makes a cloth/disposable combo. They have a cloth diaper and a flushable or biodegradable liner. The liners are REDICULOUSLY expensive, (but probably great) but I found a bunch of moms that were using the g diaper 'pants' with a cloth liner instead. Then I found a company that makes a liner that looks almost like a dryer sheet that sits on top of the cloth liner. This little guy is flushable, so you just lift the poopy mess right out of the diaper and flush it away. I know this is all rather confusing, liner on top of liner, but in short this means I will NOT be scrubbing out poopy diapers in the toilet.

I know, I know, the birkenstocks are next, but hopefully if our guinea pig Cade likes the diapers, we can save a whole lotta money and maybe even gain a really nice date night!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I hope it works out for you! We had thought of doing that with Taylor (and even had some cloth diapers that a co-worker gave me), but she was so itty-bitty that they were huge on her.