Monday, August 18, 2008

and STILL no baby!

We are now officially only one day away from the due date, and little man has given us no indication that he is ready to come out. No contractions, he is still moving around like crazy, and it feels like he is growing exponentially.
We had our check up this morning to confirm that everything is ok and we also were able to confirm that the Doc thinks that I do indeed have kidney stones...which is really fun, let me tell you. I was in so much pain last week that I called the doctor. I had been unsure if I was feeling contractions since the pain was so different (read: worse) than I remembered. To put it bluntly, things got so bad that I think I went a little crazy. I was crying all the time, for no reason, and I was probably a little meaner and crankier than I could justify. I even asked Chad if we could just schedule a C-Section so that I could be done with the pregnancy. Something happend Saturday night though, either I passed the stone, or God answered our prayers, because I feel like a different person and like I can actually keep going until I go into labor.
Thats not to say that we aren't trying to be proactive though, we had the doctor strip the membranes today, and we go into tomorrow for a repeat treatment so that hopefully we can get this show on the road.
Pray for us, we need to have this baby!

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