Thursday, August 14, 2008

Catching Up

I was really hoping that by now we would have some baby news to share, but it looks as if the little guy is going to hibernate for winter and not come out all. Actually, if I can keep it together until Monday the doctor is going to get a little aggressive with trying to lure the baby out, but that is a big IF. I have been threatening that I am just going to check myself into the hospital and insist that they do something!!

Since I don't have any baby news or any baby photos, I thought I would do some catch-up and update this with some of the summer happenings. So far, the most notable thing we have done is go camping at Diamond Lake, so here are some of those pictures.
Still the three of us....for now!

Diamond Lake, nice place to visit if you have a bug net

Cade LOVES blueberries, and literally eats himself sick. He broke into the cooler to steal a snack, but with a face like that, how can you punish him?

He spent the whole weekend either rolling around in the dirt or pushing his stroller and firetruck around. He is a really hard little worker!

Hopefully my next post will include pictures of the newest Grogan on the block, but don't hold your breath!

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