Friday, November 7, 2008

FINALLY...somewhat settled

So we just got internet not even 30 minutes ago, and here I am blogging. That says something. I am on here even before getting caught up on Dancing with the Stars :0). Anyways, we have had a very full couple of weeks, moving and Halloween and getting to know the new hood has given us the opportunity for many great photo ops. The only thing is that right now, I have no idea where the camera is. Once I find it I will update again with pictures. The big thing of note is that the sale of our house was supposed to have closed yesterday and it didn't, the buyers backed out. So we moved out of our house and now it is just sitting empty, waiting for some new people to fall in love with it. So it probably goes without saying, but please be praying that that thing gets snatched up will take a miracle in this market!! Thanks!

1 comment:

The Brandt Clan said...

Wow, Brit, what a bummer! I will be praying... that is so sad... after all of that! So werid... Man, so sorry! I guess technically you can have company over still though and they can just bring an air mattress or something and stay in your house, huh? Anyway, love you!