Thursday, April 30, 2009

And so begins our 15 minutes

Well, we have a very huge announcement. Our problems are over, there is a light at the long road to financial security, and we will soon be joining the ranks of the rich and famous. As of now, my husband is a published author!
I am sure that his article will soon be nominated for a pulitzer, and you will probably start seeing it in your inbox every three days as the next sentimental forward that promises you full hair and angels singing over you if you forward it to ten people in the next 42 seconds.
In complete seriousness though, Chad submitted an article that he wrote about (you guessed it)HUNTING to several (yes, you guessed it) HUNTING MAGAZINES. After his elk trip last fall he decided to record the adventure, and then he got an email back that Traditional Bowhunter (you want a subscription? That link in a moment) wanted to run the article online.
So yes, his resume will now include Published Author in the accomplishments (?) section, which ought to come in super handy for all the firefighter applications. Right up there with Professional Singer (he sang the national anthem at the rodeo) and College Rodeo Cowboy. Is there anything my man hasn't done? I am so proud of him.
And the income from this second career...a whopping $50!!! So yes, watch out Beverly Hills, we are moving on up, and loading the mattress on top of the car when we come.
Read the story here!


Joelle said...

that's so cool! we miss you guys!!

Unknown said...

Came across a memento from high school that made me think of you. Look what I found googling you and Chad! I don't have your contact info so email me back at carricktb at gmail dot com. Oh, and congrats on the article, Chad!