Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh my poor brain...

So the other day I woke up in a funk. I went to my women's study and listened for an hour about how to get some joy, but I just kept thinking that joy only lives on one side of the bed. And I got up on the wrong one. Plus it was hot. And I was sunburned. And Cade wants to live outside, which is not good for all the hot and the sunburn. At any rate, by the time the afternoon rolled around I was really done with being a mom.
Chad comes home for dinner and then heads out again for class, which means I do bath and bedtime by myself. I was really debating about telling him that I NEEDED him to skip class and take over so that I could sleep or eat chocolate or a combination of both, but instead I decided to give myself a little incintive to push through. I called and scheduled a 'cat nap' at Spa W. They wrap you up in warm, good smelling towels, then massage you for an hour. It was just the carrot I needed to get through the night.
Or so I thought.
Right after Chad left, Cade picked up a water glass and threw it against the wall. It was a fun night.
But the most important part of this whole whiney story is this: I GO TO THE SPA TODAY!
And also, for any concerned parties, my mood is much improved. Chocolate helps.


The Brandt Clan said...

I want a spa day! Lucky!!! Sometime you'll have to come the Aveda Institute with me and go get facials or something. Can't wait to see you soon!

Melissa said...

Lucky you and your spa day! You totally deserve it!