Friday, April 24, 2009


So I am relatively new to the spa scene. As in, this is my second time inside of a building that is a real genuine spa. I don't think you can count the establishment that I frequented in high school to get my inch long acrylic nails. It was called Cali Nails, and we thought that the Asian woman who owned it was named Cali (that's what we called her anyways), but she didn't speak english and it turns out Cali was for CALIFORNIA...and what that has to do with nails I will never know.
Anyways, my first trip to a real spa was last summer. I had a gift certificate that I got for Cade's baby shower and decided to go get a facial and a manicure and pedicure. I expected three hours of bliss. Instead, I swear, they tried to use an acid rub on my face and my nail polish all wore off that afternoon. And trust me, this was no 'Cali Nail' type establishment. I expected more and really couldn't see what all the hype was about.
Enter this gift card and my appointment yesterday.
I was a little doubtful and wishing that the nice folks had given me money instead, but once my little Cat Nap was over, oh wow, I now understand the hype. It was, hands down, THE. BEST. THING. EVER. I think that if I could do that once a week, I would be the happiest mommy on the block. I have cracked the code to the abundant life--Jesus and Spa W. A winning combo.

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