Monday, March 30, 2009
The last...for now
Number three, and counting
Update Number 2--Video Blog Edition for the Grammas
I don't really expect anyone but the Grammas to sit through videos of kids doing...nothing. But here they are, just for you.
Cade singing pattycake. Kind of. He has the important parts down.
Luke likes to talk. And I am a good cinematographer. Filmer. Cameraman. It's probably a good thing that I don't know the word since I obviously won't get a job there soon.
Actually, I just realized I uploaded the wrong video, and Luke doesn't actually "say" anything here. No matter. The right one was only slightly more entertaining.
Cade and his moves. And his physique. We turned down an underwear campagin the other day...cause he still don't like the "panties" and also we don't want that 6-pack making the other boys jealous. Or the girls swoon.
And then this one. Well, it is what it is.
And I am realizing that this only really counts as an update "blitz" if we are talking about snails...these videos are NOT fast.
Update Blitz--1 of ?
Cade and the loot. He still doesn't understand the whole opening presents thing, which is so odd. He opened the first one and then continued to play with that car while his little buddies opened the rest of his presents for him. Aren't they nice friends?
Monday, March 9, 2009
And we're off! Or not...
I sat with naked Cade in the bathroom for about 30 minutes this morning. He sat on his little potty, we talked about the potty, it even seemed like he likes his potty. Or at least he liked the ridiculous clapping, grinning and shouting his praises I did every time he sat down. I swear, I was amped up enough to make the insane asylum jealous.
Then, out of nowhere he sprinted his naked little butt out of the bathroom and off into my closet, which is his favorite place to do business. I quickly wrangled him up and brought him back to the potty, resuming the monkey dance that he liked so well earlier. It did not do the trick. He was not amused. He was shreiking and crying and wrestling his way off the potty. THE VERY SECOND he made his way off his little throne, he peed on the floor. Five inches from his potty.
Needless to say, the diaper is back on.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Why yes, I AM available
And I hate dating. In fact, I think one of the best things about being married is that dates (rare as they are lately) are actually fun. But, I am once again venturing out onto the dating scene. And oh, it is rough. The boys and I had a playdate with a new friend last Friday, and before you start thinking that doesn't really count as a date, wait. We showed up, sat through some awkward silences, and left not really knowing how it went, or if we'd ever get another call. I think it counts.
You see the kids and I have several friends that we get together with regularly to play. And they all get along great. Cade is a typical two year old boy: by that I mean that he runs, screams, throws stuff, doesn't like to share, and throws tantrums sometimes. At least I hope that is all typical. Anyways, Cade did all of these typical things, but the other little boy, he did not. He does not scream a lot, does not throw things that are not balls, sits and plays QUIETLY with play-dough and does NOT eat it, and understands what it means when his mommy says "give Cade that toy now". Wow. Talk about advanced.
Anyways, Cade made the boy cry on four separate occasions WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING HIM. He threw food all over their kitchen, almost broke this beautiful glass tray that they had on their coffee table (that is how advanced their son is, we don't have a glass anything), would not share, would not conceal his screaming excitement over their toys, woke up her other son, and climbed on their furniture. At someone else's house, the things that I would consider typical and even good behavior started to look like naughtiness REAL quick. The glimmer of hope is that at the very end of our date, the boys started laughing together, but most of it was spent trying to shield them from the loudness that is my son.
Yes, me and the boys are putting the 'date' back into play date. We are just sitting by the phone, wondering if they'll call, or if I should call, do I give them three days? Who should call who first? If she says they are all "sick" does that mean that they don't want to get together? Should we just play it cool, like, "yeah we enjoyed ourselves, maybe we'll run into each other again...." I tell ya, I don't remember the "rules" for dating, and I am not really sure how to handle this one.