I have already given a list of supplies for my mom to bring and if the boys cooperate we are going to tackle this list of projects:
1)Steam Clean the Carpets
Ok, so that was a horrible way to start the list, but it is the first priority. They are disgusting. I am halfway tempted to call the owner and ask for new flooring, but I am afraid that would mean that we have to move our stuff out. Its only 6 more months. I think we can make it.
2)Make some artwork a la this:

Picture from the fabulous fabric designer Anna Maria Horner at:
I swear, I had this idea long before I found out that, once again, somebody more famous ALONG WITH Martha copied me...but at least this must mean that it really IS a good idea. Martha's website has a whole tutorial and video--which I tried to embed here but I realized that type of technical savy jargon is for someone with a bigger brain than I. Anyways, I think that these will be perfect in the boy's room, I need one here:
and here:
I will update with "after" pictures.
This artwork will probably be the feature project of the weekend--we will be making the boy's paintings, then some for my sister, then some Christmas themed ones for us, then probably some more because we get sidetracked very easily. I don't even know if I should continue the list. But I will just to keep me accountable.
3)Baby books for the bambinos
I have mixed expectations for this. I am supposed to be working on writing down all of the stories that I want to include in the boy's books--hence the blogging break--but I can't remember anything about Luke's birth. It was only 5 months ago. I swear, mommy brain sets in and it sets in fast. Write it down people. Anyways, I am hosting an official scrapbooking party on Saturday for my friends that are real live scrapbookers and so I know that something will get done, even if I only spend the whole day "getting inspiration" (which loosely translates to eating their chocolate and looking at their books).
4) Re-finishing my wicker set for my sister
I hope she doesn't randomly decide to read this, because that would be sad. And ruin the surprise. Anyways, I am painting my old wicker set for her new apartment. HOPEFULLY, it looks better than it does now. That would take a lot of luck, it is in such a sad state.
5)Make a mobile for Cade
This is definately last priority, but it would be great to get this done. Cade's room got re-arranged with the big boy bed introduction, and now the ABCs that I had hung are really off-center, and look weird.
There used to be a bookcase in that corner, just so you don't think I am a total nerd. I am hoping that if I hang a ceiling mobile in that corner it won't look so akward, but we'll see if I get around to it. Again, just putting this on here for motivation/accountability.
And just to give an overview of the boy's room before the weekend of the art happens:
Wow, those walls look really white in pictures. LOVE the rental rules.
And here is a tip back from the days of my professional life: Take pictures of your room and then look at them objectively to see what could be added/moved. This works ESPECIALLY well for artwork. And for window treatments. I used to print a bunch and then even draw on the picture--so that I could get an idea of size/colors/styles. Anyways--now that I am looking at this, I realize that drapes would be good here. I was halfway convinced that boys don't need drapes, but now....Maybe I will add that to the list.
Okay, so for real, I wish I lived next door! And your mom lived next door ( I need a lot more Suzanne in my life too!)! I love you, I love you, I love you! You crack me up, even when you're not trying to be funny, and you always inspire me... I need a little more Brittany in my ride (oh wait), I mean life :) (get it, or not? If not, that was so lame and dumb)- anyway... make me some art!!! Seriously though, you'll have to show me, then teach me... It looks AWESOME!!! I must admit that throughout your entire life you are going to feel as if I copy your every crafty move and want everything you have... Oh, and that you'll have to personally hold my hand while I make it! Just a warning! Have fun at your scrapbook party- SO JEALOUS!!! I LOVE scrapbooking, but have also lacked motivation and time since baby number two. I also need a weekend to just set aside to get it done! Alright, love you lots and lots!
Can't wait to see you on Saturday and spend lots of time scrapbooking! I'll bring Taylor's baby book for you to look at.
I am happy for you that your mom is coming...I know how you feel, I wish my mom lived closer to me, too! I am laughing about your comment on my blog about the sleep thing...it is very humbling to think that I thought my kid would be the exception to the rule...and then she is a total mess and I have to bring back the crib! So much for that! :) But it is worth it to have good sleep for everyone in the family. I ended up borrowing a crib from a friend who is done having kids, so we can hopefully use it as long as my little adventurer needs. Good LUCK with yours too! :)
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