Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Afters:
Here are some of the pictures/evidence of the productive weekend that my mom and I spent together. While the list didn't exactly get tackled, we did some signifigant damage. And all this is in addition to the fact that my mom woke up with Luke all night for 3 nights, did all of my laundry, helped steam clean the carpets (it is a whole new house over here!), took Cade to the museum, took all of us to lunch and basically pretended that this was her house and that we were all her children. Not exactly what I look forward to doing on my vacations, but she said she enjoyed it. I am not totally convinced, but I am grateful!

And Cade's
Luke's new artwork.
And Cade's
More new artwork
Here is a close up of those lil beauties. I know. Amazing, right?
The boy's room looks better than ever, if only they would learn to appreciate it from the comfort of their beds, life would be just about perfect 'round here.
I also did a fair amout of scrapbooking. I swear, my life and perspective on scrapbooking were revolutionized by this crazy little machine called the cricut. I want one. And I don't even want to scrapbook. Or to be a 'scrapper' as the kids say these days. I just think that this little machine has so much potential. Oh, the possibilities. I want to cut out letters until my whole house is covered with personalized things.
I will post pictures of my scrapbook pages later. Because I am that proud of myself. I did tell Chad that I cut all of the letters out by hand, so that he would think that I am even cooler, and also because I was embarrassed that it took me all day to do two pages ON A MACHINE but he only replied that he doubted I would ever finish these books. Backfire.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My Mom is Coming!!!
My Mom is Coming!!! And should I say it one more time? My Mom is Coming!!! I am so excited that she will be here, and while it hasn't been too long since I saw her last, I am finally at the point in my life where I want her to live next she just can't be here enough! (Well, technically she probably could, but we'll deal with that if it ever happens). I am excited that she will 1) be here to watch the boys so that Chad and I can go on a date night (yes, for the first time since Luke was born) 2) PROJECTS!!!
I have already given a list of supplies for my mom to bring and if the boys cooperate we are going to tackle this list of projects:
1)Steam Clean the Carpets
Ok, so that was a horrible way to start the list, but it is the first priority. They are disgusting. I am halfway tempted to call the owner and ask for new flooring, but I am afraid that would mean that we have to move our stuff out. Its only 6 more months. I think we can make it.
2)Make some artwork a la this:

Picture from the fabulous fabric designer Anna Maria Horner at:
I swear, I had this idea long before I found out that, once again, somebody more famous ALONG WITH Martha copied me...but at least this must mean that it really IS a good idea. Martha's website has a whole tutorial and video--which I tried to embed here but I realized that type of technical savy jargon is for someone with a bigger brain than I. Anyways, I think that these will be perfect in the boy's room, I need one here:

and here:

I will update with "after" pictures.
This artwork will probably be the feature project of the weekend--we will be making the boy's paintings, then some for my sister, then some Christmas themed ones for us, then probably some more because we get sidetracked very easily. I don't even know if I should continue the list. But I will just to keep me accountable.
3)Baby books for the bambinos
I have mixed expectations for this. I am supposed to be working on writing down all of the stories that I want to include in the boy's books--hence the blogging break--but I can't remember anything about Luke's birth. It was only 5 months ago. I swear, mommy brain sets in and it sets in fast. Write it down people. Anyways, I am hosting an official scrapbooking party on Saturday for my friends that are real live scrapbookers and so I know that something will get done, even if I only spend the whole day "getting inspiration" (which loosely translates to eating their chocolate and looking at their books).
4) Re-finishing my wicker set for my sister
I hope she doesn't randomly decide to read this, because that would be sad. And ruin the surprise. Anyways, I am painting my old wicker set for her new apartment. HOPEFULLY, it looks better than it does now. That would take a lot of luck, it is in such a sad state.
5)Make a mobile for Cade
This is definately last priority, but it would be great to get this done. Cade's room got re-arranged with the big boy bed introduction, and now the ABCs that I had hung are really off-center, and look weird.

There used to be a bookcase in that corner, just so you don't think I am a total nerd. I am hoping that if I hang a ceiling mobile in that corner it won't look so akward, but we'll see if I get around to it. Again, just putting this on here for motivation/accountability.
And just to give an overview of the boy's room before the weekend of the art happens:

Wow, those walls look really white in pictures. LOVE the rental rules.
And here is a tip back from the days of my professional life: Take pictures of your room and then look at them objectively to see what could be added/moved. This works ESPECIALLY well for artwork. And for window treatments. I used to print a bunch and then even draw on the picture--so that I could get an idea of size/colors/styles. Anyways--now that I am looking at this, I realize that drapes would be good here. I was halfway convinced that boys don't need drapes, but now....Maybe I will add that to the list.
I have already given a list of supplies for my mom to bring and if the boys cooperate we are going to tackle this list of projects:
1)Steam Clean the Carpets
Ok, so that was a horrible way to start the list, but it is the first priority. They are disgusting. I am halfway tempted to call the owner and ask for new flooring, but I am afraid that would mean that we have to move our stuff out. Its only 6 more months. I think we can make it.
2)Make some artwork a la this:

Picture from the fabulous fabric designer Anna Maria Horner at:
I swear, I had this idea long before I found out that, once again, somebody more famous ALONG WITH Martha copied me...but at least this must mean that it really IS a good idea. Martha's website has a whole tutorial and video--which I tried to embed here but I realized that type of technical savy jargon is for someone with a bigger brain than I. Anyways, I think that these will be perfect in the boy's room, I need one here:
and here:
I will update with "after" pictures.
This artwork will probably be the feature project of the weekend--we will be making the boy's paintings, then some for my sister, then some Christmas themed ones for us, then probably some more because we get sidetracked very easily. I don't even know if I should continue the list. But I will just to keep me accountable.
3)Baby books for the bambinos
I have mixed expectations for this. I am supposed to be working on writing down all of the stories that I want to include in the boy's books--hence the blogging break--but I can't remember anything about Luke's birth. It was only 5 months ago. I swear, mommy brain sets in and it sets in fast. Write it down people. Anyways, I am hosting an official scrapbooking party on Saturday for my friends that are real live scrapbookers and so I know that something will get done, even if I only spend the whole day "getting inspiration" (which loosely translates to eating their chocolate and looking at their books).
4) Re-finishing my wicker set for my sister
I hope she doesn't randomly decide to read this, because that would be sad. And ruin the surprise. Anyways, I am painting my old wicker set for her new apartment. HOPEFULLY, it looks better than it does now. That would take a lot of luck, it is in such a sad state.
5)Make a mobile for Cade
This is definately last priority, but it would be great to get this done. Cade's room got re-arranged with the big boy bed introduction, and now the ABCs that I had hung are really off-center, and look weird.
There used to be a bookcase in that corner, just so you don't think I am a total nerd. I am hoping that if I hang a ceiling mobile in that corner it won't look so akward, but we'll see if I get around to it. Again, just putting this on here for motivation/accountability.
And just to give an overview of the boy's room before the weekend of the art happens:
Wow, those walls look really white in pictures. LOVE the rental rules.
And here is a tip back from the days of my professional life: Take pictures of your room and then look at them objectively to see what could be added/moved. This works ESPECIALLY well for artwork. And for window treatments. I used to print a bunch and then even draw on the picture--so that I could get an idea of size/colors/styles. Anyways--now that I am looking at this, I realize that drapes would be good here. I was halfway convinced that boys don't need drapes, but now....Maybe I will add that to the list.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Not a creature was stirring...but me!
So today Cade is at the gym with his girlfriend Alyssa. The gym as in the gymnastics studio. They have open play hour for toddlers each day, and Shawna graciously agreed to take Cade off my hands so that I could relax with just one baby instead of two. So what am I doing with my well earned hour? I had contemplated packing up the baby and going snowshoeing...which quickly got downgraded to just going on a run...which then became napping.
Instead of all those glorious things (and believe me, a nap would be glorious), I got out this:
The Apron my mom made me for Christmas.
My Christmas present from Jodie, reputedly the best cookie sheets in the world. Made by Vollrath of Sheboygan (apparantly that is a real place, it is etched on the bottom of my cookie sheet).
and I made these:
and I made these:
They are called World Peace Cookies. I found the recipe at SmittenKitchen and was intrigued because they offed promise of bringing peace to the world. And also because they are cookies.
Well, I am not sure about world peace, but happy mommy, yes. So I have a little plate of these cookies, a glass of milk, and Grey's Anatomy on the internet. It is close second to snowshoeing/running/sleeping, and it is glorious
Here is the recipe--copied directly from her website:
World Peace Cookies
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
World Peace Cookies
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 stick plus 3 tablespoons (11 tablespoons) unsalted butter, at room temperature
2/3 cup (packed) light brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped into chips, or a generous 3/4 cup store-bought mini chocolate chips ( I used chocolate chips, cause I like my chocolate sweet)
Sift the flour, cocoa and baking soda together.
Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the butter on medium speed until soft and creamy. Add both sugars, the salt and vanilla extract and beat for 2 minutes more.
Turn off the mixer. Pour in the flour, drape a kitchen towel over the stand mixer to protect yourself and your kitchen from flying flour and pulse the mixer at low speed about 5 times, a second or two each time. Take a peek — if there is still a lot of flour on the surface of the dough, pulse a couple of times more; if not, remove the towel. Continuing at low speed, mix for about 30 seconds more, just until the flour disappears into the dough — for the best texture, work the dough as little as possible once the flour is added, and don’t be concerned if the dough looks a little crumbly. Toss in the chocolate pieces and mix only to incorporate.
Turn the dough out onto a work surface, gather it together and divide it in half. Working with one half at a time, shape the dough into logs that are 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Wrap the logs in plastic wrap and refrigerate them for at least 3 hours. (The dough can be refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 months. If you’ve frozen the dough, you needn’t defrost it before baking — just slice the logs into cookies and bake the cookies 1 minute longer.)
GETTING READY TO BAKE: Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment or silicone mats.
Working with a sharp thin knife, slice the logs into rounds that are 1/2 inch thick. (The rounds are likely to crack as you’re cutting them — don’t be concerned, just squeeze the bits back onto each cookie.) Arrange the rounds on the baking sheets, leaving about 1 inch between them.
Bake the cookies one sheet at a time for 12 minutes — they won’t look done, nor will they be firm, but that’s just the way they should be. Transfer the baking sheet to a cooling rack and let the cookies rest until they are only just warm, at which point you can serve them or let them reach room temperature.
Bake the cookies one sheet at a time for 12 minutes — they won’t look done, nor will they be firm, but that’s just the way they should be. Transfer the baking sheet to a cooling rack and let the cookies rest until they are only just warm, at which point you can serve them or let them reach room temperature.
SERVING: The cookies can be eaten when they are warm or at room temperature — I prefer them at room temperature, when the textural difference between the crumbly cookie and the chocolate bits is greatest — and are best suited to cold milk or hot coffee.
STORING: Packed airtight, cookies will keep at room temperature for up to 3 days (Deb note: not a chance); they can be frozen for up to 2 months.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Ahhh Brothers
I am so grateful to have two healthy and happy babies. And it is definately an added blessing that they seem to like each other. Luke lights up whenever Cade gets up in his face--well, he flinches first and then smiles--and everytime Luke cries or coos or talks or anything, Cade stops whatever he is doing to say "uh oh, baby" pointing to wherever Luke may be. Just like Lassie he always lets me know when the little boy may be in trouble.
Today is the first time that Cade has said Luke's name, he held Luke's face in his hands, and said "Dookey, Dookey". Before, it was "ooke" so I think we are getting closer to a complete vocabulary. Here are some photos of them being brothers and loving each other.
Today is the first time that Cade has said Luke's name, he held Luke's face in his hands, and said "Dookey, Dookey". Before, it was "ooke" so I think we are getting closer to a complete vocabulary. Here are some photos of them being brothers and loving each other.
What's that you ask? You want to know how I have managed to get so many great pictures of them together? Both (kind of) looking at the camera, and smiling, and in focus and most importantly, both still in the shot. I know, but these are no miracle shots. These are all due my new Christmas present, the Canon Powershot something something. This famous camera has not only made these brother shots possible, but it has also allowed me to capture great moments like these:
I have been somewhat hoping that Cade will fall off the couch just to put a stop to his crazy acrobatics, but he is too coordinated. He just walks back and forth accross the back of the couch. My cousin almost had a heart attack when she saw him. And then there are his crazy antics. He is one animated kid.
Anyways, I have been getting some things done around the house, such as organizing, cleaning and general moving in stuff that I am only just getting to. Its keeping me busy during the kid's afternoon nap. Yes, they have been napping at the same time for the last few days, and I have been taking showers so consistently its just amazing. Granted, I don't take a shower until the afternoon, and because I spend the morning in my PJs the boys do too (notice the pjs in every single picture), but we are a clean and good looking bunch come 3:00. Just in time to get dirty at dinner. Sometimes it all seems so futile, but hey, if someone stops by, I don't want to be that mommy.
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