After a long few weeks, Luke Mitchell Grogan finally arrived on Tuesday, August 19th. All in all, once it got started, labor and delivery were once again really quick and easy, and we are all making a a really good recovery. Cade is adjusting, but with a whole host of family here for him to entertain he has been taking things quite well. Next week (tomorrow!) Chad will go back to work, so we'll see how my outlook changes about this whole 'family of four' business.
I will post the pictures first, which is probaby what people will actually want to look at, and then if you are so inclined you can read the gory (or actually not so gory) details of the birth. Sorry there are so many, but until I take the time to actually figure out the trickery of the fancy slide shows I have seen, I just have to post each photo individually!

Luke, just a few minutes after he was born. He has been pretty relaxed like this since he was born, I just hope it is a personality trait and that at least one of the boys will be laid-back!

Cade and Luke on day #3. Luke looks SO much like Cade's baby pictures

These are a few of Luke after his first bath at home.

And yes, I know I look like I belong in the drug mom ward--if they have one of those--but this is the only picture of all of us after the birth, so for lack of a better option...

AND the birth story, for any who may care:
So my last post was detailing the lovely fact that last week the doctor believed that I had (or have???) kidney stones. On top of all of the glory of being 39 weeks pregnant, that episode nearly put me over the top. I wrote though that I got some relief on Saturday night which was hleping me think that I could probably carry the baby for another week, if necessary. Well, my appointment on Monday went fine, but didn't result in labor or anything, but Monday night was horrible. I wasn't sure if the kidney stones stuff was back or what, but I just felt awful. I woke Chad up and told him to call the doctor because I needed something (he had promised pain killers for the kidney stones earlier). He wanted us to head into the birthing center just to get checked out, so even though I was sure they would send us home and I would just end up feeling like a wimp, we packed the car and went.
We got to the hospital at about 7:30 am and they came back to us at about 9:30 to tell us that my blood work and labs were all looking very strange. they had a few more tests to run to be certain, but things were looking like they were going to have to induce. We really wanted to avoid pitocin and inducing in general, but once all of the labs came back they said we really didn't have much of a choice. I was starting to show signs of Preeclampsia, and on top of all of that my pulse was strangely low.
We were admitted to the hospital at about 10:00, and started on the drugs about a half hour later. The pitocin kicked in right away, and I started having regular contractions. Things went along just fine, I got an epidural at about 1:00. I just can't say enough about the kind person that invented this miracle of modern medicine, but it is just such a night and day difference. I relaxed, laughed with the nurse, read a magazine, and really just enjoyed labor. Anyways, the doc broke my water at about 1:30 and said that everything was looking fine.
about an hour later things stopped feeling fine. I literally went from reading a magazine to telling Chad to call the nurse now. He turned on the video camera--I am on film telling him to turn it off and go find a nurse-- and once the nurse came in she called the doctor and some back up nurses to help get everything ready. The next few minutes were kind of a blur...but basically four minutes and two pushes after the doctor got there Luke was born!
So I have to go back in to the doctor this next week to see what they heck is going on with me, I had an ekg in the hospital to check out my crazy low pulse, but they still want to confirm or look at the kidney stone mystery and make sure that everything corrected itself with the delivery. All in all though, things went great and we are all doing pretty well now.