Tuesday, June 30, 2009

And June in pictures=caught up!

The boys have really started playing together lately, Sometimes I wonder how much damage a 20 pound baby can really inflict, or if the mauling/wrestling will ever evolve into something civilized (I don't think so...sadly) but here is some of the playing:

This was right before Cade pushed Luke off the truck.

In June we took our very first trip to the Zoo. Cade LOVED the train, and he thought the animals were ok too.

And then the second week in June we went camping. It rained at least once a day, but it was a great trip and the boys loved living outdoors, sleeping outdoors, chopping firewood, and playing with fire. You can never start these lessons early enough!

1 comment:

The Brandt Clan said...

Love that he's learning to chop wood... So next time you and I don't have too :) You were pretty good at it though Brit! Well, cute pics- makes me realize I need to post more on mine. I used to be so gung ho on this thing, but have failed as of late! Thanks for the inspiration!