Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Luke Bear!
As promised, here are some pictures of Luke. The little boy is getting more and more photogenic--he is getting over the baby tendency to have the deer-in-the-headlight eyes everytime the flash goes off. His little smiles are getting bigger and bigger, and he is talking so much. It has been very exciting this time around, with Cade I wasn't sure how much of his baby things were Cade and how much were general baby things. Now I can see that Cade was a very serious baby. Luke is all giggles, laughing, and cooing, all the time. He talks and talks without stopping, and he is still the easiest baby. I swear, he talks to the wall half the day. This was our little photo shoot this morning on the swing:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A whole lotta catchin up
There is going to be so much going on in this post it is a little ridiculous, so sorry in advance. We have been not really doing a whole lot, but even something as mundane as going to the store becomes quite the story when you factor in two boys. (long story short, Cade rolled around on the ground screaming in Nordstroms. That is why I have become a recluse and don't leave the house.)
There would be a lot more pictures to add some flava and all-around cuteness to this post, but my stupid camera has frustrated me to kingdom come. As this picture proves, by the time it gets around to actually taking a picture, one or more child has disappeared. Yes, Cade was actually sitting next to his brother when I started the picture-taking process (ie-push the button). And yes, that is Luke sittin tight in his 6-12 month size clothes. And yes, his pants are unbuttoned. All this on a liquid diet.

The most significant thing lately has been Cade's new found desire to speak. For the first time he is trying to repeat words back to me and using them, and I think he might even be trying basic sentence construction. It is either that or he fires an arsenal of words at me trying to see what gets me to respond the quickest. Yesterday we had "Eat More BuBus" (Cade for Blueberry). At any rate, I had been convinced that we were raising the missing link in the evolution theory with all of the grunts and groans that were functioning as a form of communication. The talking is a welcome change, although I am sure I will rue the day that he learned the word NO--it is already appearing way too frequently in conversation.

Also, the big man keeps getting bigger. He has been sleeping in a big boy bed for a few weeks now, and thanks to my good friend Jo, the Supernanny, the transition was actually really easy. Since Cade vacated his crib, Luke got moved up from the bassinet in the hallway (yes, I know, at least it's not the sock drawer) to the crib, and now they share a room. That transisiton--not so easy. It is 8:00 in the morning right now and I have already been up for 5 hours. Luke woke up, so then Cade woke up so then Luke stayed awake and so Chad and I were wide awake and asking each other if they make Tylenol PM in infant strength. We are pretty sold on letting the babies cry it out, but with the new digs (the shared wall in the duplex) I don't think it is too considerate to let the boys scream at 3am. I had actually been really concerned about what must sound like a torture chamber over here until the other night when they woke us up with an incredibly loud screaming match which included a lot of obscenities. I think that we are at the point of some unspoken agreement: if they don't call Child Protective Services on my screaming babies, I won't call the police on their drunk and disorderly.
Another new trick for the big boy, walking down the stairs like a full-fledged little man. Nevermind the diaper.
The boys and I just got back from Portland, we went to visit my parents since Chad was working every day. We had a great time playing with the dog and the aunt and the gramma and grandpa, and Cade rediscovered his car--he has a ride-on car at my parents house. He woke up in the morning asking for the car, and oh, imagine the fun when he found some of my dad's car magazines. He went through every page pointing out the cars. And there are only about 15 cars per page. We got home yesterday and Chad has been working non-stop. Poor guy. He has tomorrow off though and we have a great day planned of grocery shopping (it is a rare and desperate day when I attempt that alone) and napping. We might get out to take the boys to see Santa, but that would be record breaking stuff.
Also, Chad finished up his first term as a full time student, and the kid pulled off a strong set of straight A's--like 95% straight A's. Cade and I were so proud that we baked him a cake. I wanted to teach my son the joys of baking, so I was showing him how to daintily use his finger to "clean" the bowl. Well I turned around for a few seconds and got this. He was so into it that by the time I went and got my camera, and then during all the time it took to take the stupid picture, he was still licking away. I think I convinced him that baking aint no sissy hobby.
Well, after this post I am realizing that I don't take nearly enough pictures of Luke, which is strange because he can't run out of the frame by the time the picture clicks. Next post will be dedicated to Luke and all of his adorable chubbiness. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and I am worried that the doctor won't let me start to feed him solids. I have been so looking forward to rice cereal and the sleep that may accompany it...
There would be a lot more pictures to add some flava and all-around cuteness to this post, but my stupid camera has frustrated me to kingdom come. As this picture proves, by the time it gets around to actually taking a picture, one or more child has disappeared. Yes, Cade was actually sitting next to his brother when I started the picture-taking process (ie-push the button). And yes, that is Luke sittin tight in his 6-12 month size clothes. And yes, his pants are unbuttoned. All this on a liquid diet.
The most significant thing lately has been Cade's new found desire to speak. For the first time he is trying to repeat words back to me and using them, and I think he might even be trying basic sentence construction. It is either that or he fires an arsenal of words at me trying to see what gets me to respond the quickest. Yesterday we had "Eat More BuBus" (Cade for Blueberry). At any rate, I had been convinced that we were raising the missing link in the evolution theory with all of the grunts and groans that were functioning as a form of communication. The talking is a welcome change, although I am sure I will rue the day that he learned the word NO--it is already appearing way too frequently in conversation.
Also, the big man keeps getting bigger. He has been sleeping in a big boy bed for a few weeks now, and thanks to my good friend Jo, the Supernanny, the transition was actually really easy. Since Cade vacated his crib, Luke got moved up from the bassinet in the hallway (yes, I know, at least it's not the sock drawer) to the crib, and now they share a room. That transisiton--not so easy. It is 8:00 in the morning right now and I have already been up for 5 hours. Luke woke up, so then Cade woke up so then Luke stayed awake and so Chad and I were wide awake and asking each other if they make Tylenol PM in infant strength. We are pretty sold on letting the babies cry it out, but with the new digs (the shared wall in the duplex) I don't think it is too considerate to let the boys scream at 3am. I had actually been really concerned about what must sound like a torture chamber over here until the other night when they woke us up with an incredibly loud screaming match which included a lot of obscenities. I think that we are at the point of some unspoken agreement: if they don't call Child Protective Services on my screaming babies, I won't call the police on their drunk and disorderly.
Another new trick for the big boy, walking down the stairs like a full-fledged little man. Nevermind the diaper.
The boys and I just got back from Portland, we went to visit my parents since Chad was working every day. We had a great time playing with the dog and the aunt and the gramma and grandpa, and Cade rediscovered his car--he has a ride-on car at my parents house. He woke up in the morning asking for the car, and oh, imagine the fun when he found some of my dad's car magazines. He went through every page pointing out the cars. And there are only about 15 cars per page. We got home yesterday and Chad has been working non-stop. Poor guy. He has tomorrow off though and we have a great day planned of grocery shopping (it is a rare and desperate day when I attempt that alone) and napping. We might get out to take the boys to see Santa, but that would be record breaking stuff.
Also, Chad finished up his first term as a full time student, and the kid pulled off a strong set of straight A's--like 95% straight A's. Cade and I were so proud that we baked him a cake. I wanted to teach my son the joys of baking, so I was showing him how to daintily use his finger to "clean" the bowl. Well I turned around for a few seconds and got this. He was so into it that by the time I went and got my camera, and then during all the time it took to take the stupid picture, he was still licking away. I think I convinced him that baking aint no sissy hobby.
Well, after this post I am realizing that I don't take nearly enough pictures of Luke, which is strange because he can't run out of the frame by the time the picture clicks. Next post will be dedicated to Luke and all of his adorable chubbiness. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and I am worried that the doctor won't let me start to feed him solids. I have been so looking forward to rice cereal and the sleep that may accompany it...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In case you didn't read that right, that should be Traaadishons, like Tevye would say. This was the third year that we have hosted the Thanksgiving feast at our place, and while the new digs were not quite as spacious as the old place I think we pulled it off. The food quality sure didn't suffer any! I am now trying to come up with ways to use our leftovers--so far I have got most of it figured out-Gnocchi out of the mashed potatoes, Turkey pot pie with the leftover turkey dark meat that I don't like for sandwiches-except the stuffing. What are you supposed to do with that, besides just eat it?
After the feast was over we went out into the woods to find the perfect Christmas tree. Last year we did this with Shawn and Jodie, and I carried Cade all snuggled up in a bear suit in the front pack. Well, this year Luke (monster man that he is) wore the same suit and I carried him in the front pack. I couldn't believe that just a year ago the big man Cade was little enough to fit in the pack! This year, he ran around the forest like a wild animal--he even grunted like one! We enjoyed hot cocoa and french dip sandwiches out there, and the guys even started a fire. If there only would have been snow for sledding! Maybe next year...
The Grogans and the Stonebergs
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