Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Big Re-Announcement

I guess this announcement pretty much fits the way things are going so far with this baby and this pregnancy. We had our second ultrasound today to confirm dates and things, and miraculously, our little girl has turned into a little boy! It's either that or she has some pretty severe abnormal growths.
Also, very reassuring news was that the due date they gave us (which, granted, are ambiguous to start with) can be off by as much as 3 weeks because we are getting the ultrasound so late in the game. So it looks like we'll be blocking July-September off of our calendars. The "due date" is still around August 19th, for whatever that is worth, and everything looks healthy and normal. We are just so grateful that despite not knowing about the little guy God has kept him safe for us.

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